Sunday, May 22, 2011

iMovie Spinning Beach Ball and Final Cut X

Although excited about the upcoming release of Final Cut X (at $299!!) - I can't help but contemplate how Apple could have built it (beyond pricing) to attract the advanced hobbyist /artists/ budding videographer / filmmakers out there pushing the limits of iMovie (spinning Beach Ball) and considering the (sometimes overwhelming) task of learning the complexities of a professional application. The bump in the road is performance - to perform at at an adequate level, the "Required Specifications" are really too low. Thus, the reduced price of the software translates into increased hardware costs in the form of RAM, video processors, memory, etc...Instead, why not focus on creating the application to squeeze the most efficiency at the lowest level of system requirements. There is a large customer base that would love to cross over to Final Cut X but can't afford the increased hardware expense.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Flips Death